Veterinary immunology.- Ninth edition / TIZARD, Ian R.
Veterinary immunology : An Introduction.- Third edition / TIZARD, Ian
Analisis sifat antigenik Lipopolysaccharide Lps dan protein dari Pasteurella multocida untuk pengemb....
PASTEURELLA and Pasteurellosis / J.M. Rutter
COWAN and Steels manual for the identification of medical bacteria / R.K.A. Feltham
MANUAL of standardized methods for veterinary microbiology / COTTRAL, George E.
MEDICAL microbiology : The practice of medical microbiology.- Vol. 2.- 12th edition / Robert Cruicks....
ANIMAL Brucellosis / J. Robert Duncan
Sakit Neuromuskuloskeletal dalam Praktek Umum : Nyeri di Tempat Persimpangan Antara Neurologi denga....
Imunologi Dasar / Karnen Garna Bratawidjaja
Biosafety : Pedoman Keselamatan Kerja di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi dan Rumah Sakit / Sri Harjati Su....
Wild Mushrooms : Characteristics, Nutrition, and Processing / Edited by: Sanju Bala Dhull [].....
Statistik Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan 2024 : Livestock and Animal Health Statistics 2024 / Edite....
Science of Fungi in Grapevine / Olivier Viret
Periparturient Diseases of Cattle / Edited by: Tanmoy Rana
Pandemics and Innovative Food Systems / Edited by: Anil Kumar Anal
Organizing Eating : Communicating for Equity Across U.S. Food Systems / Edited by:Sarah E. Dempsey
Nanosensors / Edited by: Dimitrios Nikolelis; Georgia Paraskevi Nikoleli
Mushrooms : Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods / Edited by: Deepu Pandita; Anu Pandita
Microplastics in the Ecosphere : Air, Water, Soil, and Food / Meththika Vithanage; Majeti Narasimha....
Introduction to Forensic Chemistry / Kelly M. Elkins
mRNA Profiling and Transcriptomics Analysis of Chickens Received Newcastle Disease Virus Genotype II....
Molecular detection of zoonotic Spirometra (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) in Javan-spitting cobra (Na....
Dual anti-inflammatory activities of COX-2/5-LOX driven by kratom alkaloid extracts in lipopolysacch....
Development of In-House ELISA using recombinant LipL32 for Detection of Human Leptospirosis in Indon....
Detection of Trypanosoma evansi in healthy horses, cattle and buffaloes in East Sumba : eight years....
Calculation of livestock biomass and value by province in Indonesia : Key information to support po....
Anticoccidial activities of Piper betle L essential oil on Eimeria tenella oocysts / Rina Ristanti