Kepulauan Meranti merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Riau yang letaknya berbatasan dengan negara tetangga Malaysia dan Singapore, sehingga memiliki peran strategis baik pada aspek geopolitik maupun ekonomi. Pada aspek ekonomi, beberapa komoditas pertanian yang dihasilkan memiliki potensi dan berpeluang untuk diekspor, sehingga akan mendukung ekonomi regional dan nasional. Penelitian bertujuan memperoleh data dan informasi potensi, peluang, dan permasalahan pengembangan pertanian untuk mengatahui prospek pengembangan pertanian berorientasi ekspor di wilayah perbatasan Kepulauan Meranti. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Rangsang Pesisir dan Merbau, Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti, menggunakan metode Partisipatory Rural Aprassial (PRA) dan observasi lapang. Metode PRA digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi, peluang, dan permasalahan pengembangan pertanian, sedangkan observasi lapang untuk memverifikasi hasil identifikasi dan mengetahui kondisi umum di lapang. Data dan informasi yang diperoleh dianalisis deskriptif dan metode Bayes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di wilayah perbatasan Kepulauan Meranti terdapat beberapa komoditas pertanian yang memiliki prospek untuk diekspor, yaitu: kelapa dalam, kopi liberika, sagu, dan padi organik. Namun demikian, sesuai dengan tujuan program pengembangan wilayah perbatasan adalah menjadi lumbung pangan maka komoditas yang harus dikembangkan adalah sagu dan padi organik. Sagu agar bisa diekspor tidak harus terfokus hanya pada pengembangan budidaya (on farm) saja, tetapi ditunjang agroindustri yang dapat mengoptimalisasi nilai tambah.
Kata Kunci: Prospek, pengembangan, pertanian, berorientasi ekspor, wilayah perbatasan
Meranti Islands is one of the districts in Riau Province which is located adjacent to neighboring Malaysia and Singapore, so it has a strategic role in both the geopolitical and economic aspects. In the economic aspect, some agricultural commodities produced have the potential and have the opportunity to be exported, so that they will support the regional and national economies. The research aims to obtain data and information on the potential, opportunities, and problems of agricultural development to know the prospects for the development of export-oriented agriculture in the Meranti Islands border region. The study was conducted in the Districts of Rangsang Pesisir and Merbau, Regency of Meranti Islands, using the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method and field observations. The PRA method is used to identify the potential, opportunities, and problems of agricultural development, while field observation is to verify the results of identification and find out general conditions in the field. The data and information obtained were analyzed descriptively and the Bayes method. The results showed that in the Meranti Islands border region, there were several agricultural commodities that had the prospect of being exported, namely: deep coconut, liberal coffee, sago, and organic rice. However, in accordance with the purpose of the border area development program is to become a food granary, the commodities that must be developed are organic sago and rice. Sago, in order to be exported, does not have to focus only on the development of cultivation (on-farm) but supported by agro-industry that can optimize the added value.
Keywords: Prospects, development, agriculture, export-oriented, border areas.