00803 2200193 4500001002100000008004100021020002400062035002000086082001600106100004200122245025700164260005400421300005500475520001600530650000900546650001400555650001900569990002100588INLIS000000000006826 Ind  aISBN: 979-8383-02-8 a0010-1118006826 a636.3.001.5 aed. by Subandriyo and Ruth M. Gatenby aAdvances in small ruminant research in Indonesia: proceedings of a workshop held at the Research Institute for animal production, Ciawi-Bogor, Indonesia, August 3-4, 1993cWORKSHOP ON ADVANCES IN SMALL RUMINSNT RESEARCH IN INDONESIA (1993: Ciawi-Bogor) aBogorbCentr. Res. Inst. for Animal Sciencec1993 axii, 259 p.: ill.; 25 cmcxii, 259 p.: ill.; 25 cm aIncl. bibl. aGOAT aINDONESIA aSHEEPSRESEARCH a314/D/96-mfn8604