01447 2200349 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056245039300097260003400490300003600524020002200560084002000582082001400602650001400616650002100630650002500651650002200676650002300698650002000721650002800741650002400769650001700793650001500810111009500825504001600920504006300936250001100999700001901010710004901029990001901078INLIS00000000005504920221220020304 a0010-0722000226221220 g 1 ind 1 aProceedings of the 4th international seminar on livestock production and veterinary technology :btechnology innovations and collaborations in livestock production for sustainable food systems, Bogor, September 6-7th, 2021 /cEditor: Ismeth Inounu ... [et al.]; Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development in Collaboration with Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Mataram aJakarta :bIAARD Press,c2021 axxvii, 645 p. :bill. ;c26 cm. a978-602-344-147-1 a636+614.9 INT p a636+614.9 4aLIVESTOCK 4aANIMAL HUSBANDRY 4aLIVESTOCK PRODUCTION 4aANIMAL PRODUCTION 4aVETERINARY HYGIENE 4aANIMAL DISEASES 4aSUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE 4aINNOVATION ADOPTION 4aFOOD SYSTEMS 4aTECHNOLOGY2 aINTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION AND VETERINARY TECHNOLOGY (4 : 2021 : Bogor) aIncl. bibl. aIncl. bibl.-- Author index: p. 617-619.-- App.: p. 641-645 aCet. 11 aINOUNU, Ismeth2 aPUSAT PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PETERNAKAN aD-357-01-07-22