00702 2200205 4500001002100000008004100021035002000062245010700082110009700189260002000286300006300306020001800369520001900387082001200406650002300418650000900441650001300450650001900463990001400482INLIS000000000004485 Ind  a0010-1118004485 aFAO. Food and Nutrition Paper 41/6cRESIDUES of some veterinary drugs in animals and foods: monographs aPrepared by the Forty second Meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives aRomebFAOc1994 aviii, 87 p.: ills.; 30 cm.--cviii, 87 p.: ills.; 30 cm.-- a92-5-103553-9 aBibl.: p.30-31 a636.089 aVETERINARY HYGIENE aDRUG aRESIDUES aANIMAL FEEDING a473/MS/95