Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science / text Bogor : PUSTAKA, 2021 | Hadiah repository Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science is previously published as Indonesian Journal of Crop Science (1985 - 1999). This journal is published in one volume of two issues per year by the Indonesian Agency for Agriculture Research and Development. The language used in this journal is English. The journal publishes primary research articles from any source if they make a significant original contribution to the experimental or theoretical understanding of some aspect of agricultural science in Indonesia. The journal will consider primary research papers from any source if they make an original contribution to the experimental or theoretical understanding and application of theories and methodologies of some aspects of agricultural science in Indonesia including:Soil science, Climate science, Agronomy, Plant breeding, Biotechnology, Genetic resources, Animal Science, Veterinary Science, Horticulture, Plant pathology, Plant Physiology, Pest and disease, Entomology, Farming System, Postharvest technology, Socio-economic Agricultural, Environment, Agricultural Mechanization, Agricultural extension. Overseas work will be accepted for consideration if it is clearly related to Indonesian conditions. Relevant negative evidence will also be considered if it contradicts current theories, or if it is likely to prevent fruitless work by future investigators. Accredited base on Director Decree of Indonesian Institute of Science No. 816/D/2009 with acreditation No. 172/AU1/P2MBI/08/2009. IJAS is newly accredited by the Indonesian Institute of Science in 2015 (No. 669/AU3/P2MI-LIPI/07/2015) for period of 2015-2018. PAN - Tanaman Pangan URN:ISBN:1411-982X