00842 2200217 4500001002100000008004100021035002000062245022000082110006800302260002800370300005900398020002700457084002800484082001400512650001100526650001600537650001400553650001400567650001700581990002600598INLIS000000000040563 Ind  a0010-0119005476 aReport of the joint FAO/WHO experts consultation on the risks and benefits of fish consumption, Rome, 25-29 January 2010cJOINT FAO/WHO EXPERT CONSULTATION ON THE RISKS AND BENEFITS OF FISH CONSUMPTION (2010 : Rome) aFood and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization aRomebFAO and WHOc2010 ax, 44 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.--cx, 44 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.-- aISBN 978-92-5-106999-8 aSr. FAO 591.133.1:639.2 a591.133.1 aFISHES aCONSUMPTION aNUTRIENTS aNUTRITION aHUMAN HEALTH a549/FAO/2012-mfn50506