00752 2200217 4500001002100000008004100021035002000062245016700082100002500249260004100274300005900315020001800374084001400392520001500406520002100421082001100442650002000453650002200473650002600495990001300521INLIS000000000035768 Ind  a0010-0119000681 aFARMING and the countryside: an economic analysis of external costs and benefitscFARMING and the countryside: an economic analysis of external costs and benefits aedited by Nick Hanly aWallingfordbCAB Internationalc1991 avii, 328 p. : ill. ; 23 cmcvii, 328 p. : ill. ; 23 cm a0-85198 713-3 a631.16FAR aIncl. Bib. aIndex p. 322-328 a631.16 aFARM MANAGEMENT aECONOMIC ANALYSIS aCOST BENEFIT ANALYSIS a121/2003