na INLIS000000000049405 20210307160716 210307||||||||| | ||| |||| || | 010-0321000243 en NONE 92(DARWIN) LIF Charles Darwin Francis Darwin The life and lettres of Charles Darwin Albearle Stret JOHN MURRAY 1888 393 p. 23 cm. Kisah hidup dan autobiografi yang disunting Francis Darwin, anak dari tokoh pencetus teori evolusi manusia yaitu Charles Darwin. Kisah hidup yang ada pada buku ini terdiri dari korespondensi surat, baik yang dikirim maupun yang diterima oleh Darwin dari teman-temannya sesama peneliti yaitu F.D. Hooker, C. Lyell dan kawan-kawan. Text in English. Life of Charles Darwin trip. Life story and autobiography which is edited by Francis Darwin , son of the founder of the theory of human evolution, Charles Darwin. Life story in this book consists of letters correspondence, either sent or received by Darwin of his fellow researchers, that are F.D. Hooker, C. Lyell and his friends.