00852 2200217 4500001002100000008004100021020002300062035002000085082001400105084001700119100003500136245028700171260002300458300004900481520002500530650001000555650001500565650001600580650001900596990001900615INLIS000000000013273 Ind  aISBN 979-8764-72-2 a0010-1118013273 a582.883.4 a582.883.4EFF aEdited by F. Bernhard-Reversat aEFFECT of exotic tree plantations on plant diversity and biological soil fertility in the Congo savanna: with special reference to EucalyptscEFFECT of exotic tree plantations on plant diversity and biological soil fertility in the Congo savanna: with special reference to Eucalypts aBogorbCIFORc2001 a71 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.c71 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. aLibrary has 2 copies aCONGO aEUCALYPTUS aPLANTATIONS aSOIL FERTILITY a318-319/D/2002