GOAT SCIENCE AND PRODUCTION SANDRA G.SOLAIMAN text USA WILEY - BLACKWELL 2010 Edition first published 2010 Blackwell Publishing eng
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Preface Currently in the U.S.,goats have been gaining popularity for their milk and meat products, catching up with popularity they have experienced in other parts of the world. Though more U.S.universities are involved in goat research and extension programs than ever before, few offer courses in goat science and management. The last comprehensive book on goats, "Goat Production",was published more than a quarter of a century ago by Gall (1981), while a more recent publiscation, "Goats:Biology, production and development in Asia" by Devendra (2007) is focused on Asia. SANDRA G.SOLAIMAN 636.39 636.39 SAN g 978-0-8138-0936-6 231108 20231108082621 INLIS000000000000799 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)