04718 2200193 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036007000300056008003900059100001500098245014900113260014400262300002900406700003800435520399800473600001504471310002404486022001404510INLIS00000000000018320220712104859 a0010-0722000008ta220712 | | | 0 aAnis Fahri1 aBULETIN INOVASI PERTANIAN VOL.5 NO.1 2019 INOVASI TEKNOLOGI MENDUKUNG PENGEMBANGAN KAWASAN PERKEBUNAN KELAPA SAWIT DI PROVINSI RIAU /cBPTP Riau aPekanbaru :bBalai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Balitbangtan Riau, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Kementerian,c2019 a7 hlm. :bilus. ;c30 cm0 aTaufik Hidayat dan Ida Nur Istina aABSTRAK Perkebunan Kelapa sawit mempunyai kedudukan yang penting didalam pengembangan pertanian di Provinsi Riau. Sebagian besar dari luas lahan kebun sawit di Riau, 1.360.855 ha (56,97%) merupakan perkebunan rakyat, jauh melebihi luas kebun sawit perkebunan besar swasta dan perkebunan besar negara yang masing-masing hanya 954.450 ha (39,22%) dan 92.714 ha(3,81%). Produksi kelapa sawit petani pada umumnya jauh dibawah perkebunan milik negara maupun perkebunan swasta dengan tingkat produktivitas antara 12-16 ton tandan buah segar (TBS) per hektar, sementara potensi produksi komoditas kelapa sawit bisa mencapai 30 ton/ha. Produktivitas CPO perkebunan rakyat rata-rata 2,5 ton dan 0,33 ton minyak inti per hektar sementara pada perusahaan perkebunan rata-rata mencapai 4,82 ton CPO dan 0,91 ton minyak inti per hektar. Rendahnya produksi perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat karena belum diterapkannya teknologi secara tepat mulai dari penggunaan bibit unggul, teknologi budidaya, panen dan pasca panen. Petani belum menerapkan teknologi budidaya, seperti pemupukan organik. Kajian pemupukan untuk mendukung pengembangan kawasan perkebunan kelapa sawit telah dilakukan di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dari bulan Januari – Desember tahun 2016 dan Rokan Hilir dari bulan Januari - Desember 2017. Hasil penelitian di Desa Bukit Meranti, Kecamatan Seberida Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu menunjukkan Paket Teknologi Urea 3,0 kg + TSP 1,5 kg + KCl 3 kg + Kieserit 0,75 kg + Borax 0,075 kg/pohon/th dan 15 kg pupuk menghasilkan rata-rata TBS sebesar 19.205 kg/ha/th dengan pendapatan sebesar Rp. 12.281.330/ha/th,dan nilai B/C ratio 1,15; sedangkan di Desa Bagan Permai, Kecamatan Bagan Sinembah Kabupaten Rokan Hilir pemberian pupuk kandang sapi 15 kg/btg menghasilkan produksi TBS tertinggi sebesar 25.360,8 kg/ha/th, dan pendapatan sebesar Rp. 25.737.080/ha/th dengan nilai B/C ratio sebesar 2,09 lebih tinggi dibanding tanpa pemberian pupuk kandang. Kata kunci: Inovasi Teknologi, kelapa sawit, kawasan, Provinsi Riau ABSTRACT Oil Palm Plantation has an important position in the development of agriculture in Riau Province. Most of the land area of oil palm plantations in Riau, 1,360,855 ha (56.97%) is People's Plantation , much larger than the oil palm plantations of Large Private and Large State Estates, each of which is only 954,450 ha (39.22 ha) %)) and 92,714 ha (3.81%). Farmers' palm oil production is generally far below the state plantations or plantations with a production level of between 12 and 16 tons of fresh fruit (FFB) per hectare, while the potential for palm oil production can reach 30 tons / ha. The average CPO productivity for the people is 2.5 tons and 0.33 tons of core oil per hectare while in plantation companies the average is 4.82 tons of CPO and 0.91 tons of core oil per hectare. The low production of community oil palm plantations has not been applied to appropriate technology for the use of superior seeds, cultivation technology, harvest and post-harvest. Farmers have not yet applied cultivation technology, such as organic fertilization. Fertilization studies to support the development of oil palm plantations have been carried out in Indragiri Hulu District from January - December 2016 and Rokan Hilir from January - DSes 2017. Results of research in Bukit Meranti Village, Seberida District, Indragiri Hulu District, look for a 3.0 kg Urea Technology Package + TSP 1.5 kg + KCl 3 kg + Kieserit 0.75 kg + Borax 0.075 kg / tree / year and 15 kg of fertilizer produce an average FFB of 19,205 kg / ha / year with an amount of Rp. 12,281,330 / ha / yr, and the B / C ratio of 1.15; whereas in Bagan permai village, Bagan Sinembah sub-district, Rokan Hilir Regency provides 15 kg / btg fertilizer producing the highest FFB production of 25,360.8 kg / ha / yr, and an income of Rp. 25,737,080 /ha/yr with B/C ratio of 2.09 higher than without the use of manure. Keywords: Keywords: Innovation of Technology, oil palm, region, Riau Province 4aAnis Fahri aVol. 5 No. 1 (2019) a1979-0805