04434 2200193 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036007000300056008003900059100002100098245015300119260015400272300002800426700001800454520371100472600002104183310002204204022001404226INLIS00000000000015720220623104429 a0010-0422000006ta220623 | | | 0 aRachmiwati Yusuf1 aBULETIN INOVASI PERTANIAN VOL.3 NO.1 (2017) ADOPSI INOVASI TEKNOLOGI VUB PADI PADA UNIT PENGELOLA BENIH SUMBER (UPBS) BPTP RIAU /cRachmiwati Yusuf aPekanbaru :bBalai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Balitbangtan Riau, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian,c2017 a5 hlm. :bils. ;c30 cm0 aMarsid Jahari aABSTRAK Mengantisipasi permintaan benih padi yang berkualitas dan berkesinambungan oleh pemerintah melalui Badan Litbang Pertanian telah membuat kebijakan percepatan inovasi varietas ungul baru melalui kegiatan Unit Pengelola Benih Sumber (UPBS), diantaranya di BPTP Riau. Untuk mendukung kebijakan tersebut, sudah dilakukan analisis adopsi inovasi VUB padi yang berhubungan dengan fungsi produksi UPBS. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan melalui wawancara yakni: terhadap petani kooperator UPBS BPTP Riau sebanyak 20 orang pada musim tanam 2015. Untuk mengetahui adopsi inovasi teknologi VUB padi dan pengaruhnya digunakan Analisis Regresi Logistik melalui fungsi Produksi (Cobb-Douglas), parameter yang diamati dalam model yakni umur (UM), pendidikan formal (PDD), pengalaman budidaya padi (PB), penguasaan lahan (LL), curahan tenaga kerja (CT) dan intensitas penyuluhan/pelatihan (IP). Hasil tabulasi data diperoleh: usia petani masuk katagori usia produkstif (34-43) tahun); pendidikan formal SLTP; pengalaman budidaya padi 18-23 tahun; penguasaan lahan 1-2 hektar; dan curahan tenaga kerja 6-75 HOK/musim tanam dengan intensitas penyuluhan 1-2 kali pertemuan. Hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa parameter yang diamati berpengaruh positif terhadap adopsi inovasi teknologi VUB padi (R2 = 0.8007) dan hasil uji t yang signifikan berpengaruh adalah pengalaman budidaya padi (0,114659**), penguasaan lahan (0,0276198*) dan intensitas penyuluhan (0,069547**), namun secara bersama sama parameter tersebut signifikan berpengaruh (F-hitung= 38,086***). Untuk kesinambungan adopsi inovasi teknologi VUB padi pada kegiatan UPBS seyogyanya disesuaikan dengan aspek sosial, kondisi teknis dilapangan dan keberlanjutan penyuluhan maupun pelatihan. Kata Kunci: Adopsi, Inovasi Teknologi, VUB Padi, UPBS BPTP Riau. ABSTRACT In order to anticipate the demand of quality and sustainable rice seeds, Indonesian government through the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development of Ministry of Agriculture has made the policy of acceleration of innovation of new varieties through the Resources Management Unit (UPBS), such as in Riau AIAT. To support the policy, an analysis of the adoption of paddy VUB innovation related to UPBS production function has been done. Collecting primary data using observation interviews: the cooperative farmers of Riau AIAT UPBS as many as 20 people in the 2015 planting season. To know the adoption of technological innovation of rice VUB and its effect is used Logistic Regression Analysis through Production function (Cobb-Douglas), parameters observed in model that is age (UM), formal education (PDD), experience of rice cultivation (PB), land tenure (LL ), labor outpour (CT) and intensity of counseling/training (IP). Result of tabulation of data obtained: age of farmer entering age category productive (34-43) year); junior secondary education; rice cultivation experience 18-23 years; 1 hectare land tenure; and labor needs 6-75 HOK / season with intensity counseling 1-2 times meeting. The result of the analysis showed that the observed parameters had positive effect on the adoption of technological innovation of rice VUB (R2 = 0.8007) and the result of t test that significantly influenced rice cultivation experience (0,114659 **), land tenure (0,0276,198 *) and intensity of counseling (0.069547 **), but together these parameters significantly influence (F-count = 38,086 ***). For the continuity of adoption of technological innovation of paddy VUB on UPBS activities should be adjusted with social aspect, technical condition in field and continuation of counseling and training. Keywords: Adoption, Technology Innovation, Paddy VUB, UPBS BPTP Riau 4aRachmiwati Yusuf aVol. 3 No. 1 2017 a1970-0805