Toward a Resilience Food and Nutrition Security in Indonesia - - Toward a Resilience Food and Nutrition Security in Indonesia Effendi Pasandaran Pengarang text teks Cetakan I eng
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in A, iodine, iron, and zinc (FAO and WHO, 2014). Indonesia has made a positive progress in achieving food security and nutrition, but again with slow pace. People live under poverty line in this country in 2015 was around 28.3 million or 11.3% of total population. Percentage of children five years old with undernourishment was 20.2%, stunting was 38.1%, and wasting was 12.8%. At the same time childen categorized as fat was 12.1% and adut with obesesity was 14.8% (Agency for Food Security, 2014). Facing these dilemmas, it can be inferred that Indonesia currently has a problem of double burden of malnutrition. At global setting, Indonesia ranked low in term of food security. The Economist Intelligence Unit, using Global Food Security Index (EIU, 2014), reported that in 2015 among 109 countries evaluated, Indonesia food security index was ranked at the 74th position. This position was quite low even among ASEAN member countries, such as Singapore was ranked 2nd, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam were 34th, 52nd, and 65th, respectively. However, Indonesian position based on this measuremet was above Myanmar (78th) and Cambodia (96th). This global index indicated that food security could be achieved only if the food was available to fulfill people need and at affordable price; regardless food sources and wether produced domestically or imported. This is of course given normal economic, Effendi Pasandaran Effendi Pasandaran 338.439(594) 338.439(594) EFF t 978-602-344-108-2 210421 20210421014720 INLIS000000000000175 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)