00934 2200205 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056041000700097082002300104090002300127100002100150700010500171700001900276700002000295245020500315260000900520500011300529650008600642INLIS00000000000470420240219100029 a0010-0521004704240219 | |  aen aVET/N/L73/E/J/1458 aVET/N/L73/E/J/14580 aPeriolo, Osvaldo0 a[Centro de Virologia Animal Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia Dr. Cesar Milstein, CONICET, Saladillo0 aSeki, Cristina0 aRobiolo, Blanca1 aRapid methodology for antigenic profiling of FMDV field strains and for the control of identity, purity and viral integrity in commercial virus vaccines using monoclonal antibodies /cPeriolo, Osvaldo c2009 aVeterinary Microbiology, -- Vol.133, p.239-251 ; 4 Tables., 5 ills., 37 ref., Summaries (En) ; Received 2009 4aELISA -- monoclonal antibodies -- VACCINE -- Foot and Mouth Disease Virus -- FMDV