01196 2200145 4500001002100000005001500021008004100036035001900077082001200096090001200108100002200120245032600142500055800468700002401026INLIS00000000000389520210520144206210520||||||||| | ||| |||| ||  0010-05210038950 a--/1351 a--/13510 aGholib, Djaenudin00aUji daya hambat ekstrak rimpang lengkuas (Alpinia galanga SW) dan daun sirih (Piper betel L) terhadap kapang dermatofir secara in vitro dan in vivo., Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner, Bogor,21-22 Agustus 2007. / Gholib, Djaenudin ; Kusumaningtyas, Eni (Balai Besar Penelitian Veteriner Bogor) aABSTRAK :The aim of the study is to test the potency of lengkuas merah (Alpinia galanga SW) and sirih leaf (Piper betel L.) extract to inhibit Trichophyton mentagrophytes mould that causes ringworm. Both simplisia were extracted by using ethanol, and tested for effect of T. mentagrophytes growth through in vitro test. The test includes a dilution methode, by diluted mould suspension in certain concentration with serial tenfold dilution, and mixed with extract of simplisia, then cultivated in Sabouraud Dextrose agar (SDA) media, and incubated at 370 aKusumaningtyas, Eni