na INLIS000000000002769 20240219092625 0010-0521002769 240219 | | 0216-6461 --/646 --/646 Noor, Susan Maphilindawati Hardjoutomo, Suprodjo Darminto Kasus antraks pada manusia dan hewan di Bogor pada awal tahun 2001. / Noor, Susan Maphilindawati ; Darminto ; Hardjoutomo, Suprodjo (Balai Penelitian Veteriner Bogor, Indonesia) / Noor, Susan Maphilindawati 2001 Wartazoa .-- Vol.11(2) p.8-14.-- ABSTRAK : Anthrax is a zoonotic disease caused by Bacillus anthracis. The incidence of anthrax in human and animal has been reported in Indonesia including the case of anthrax in ostrich in Purwakarta in 1999. Virtually all animals, to some degree are susceptible to anthrax but ruminants are considered to be the most susceptible. There are 11 provinces in Indonesia reported as endemic areas. Retrospective study of anthrax in Bogor reported that the disease has been spead in nine areas. The manifestation of human anthrax could be visceral. Cutaneus, pulmonum, meningitis or combination but the cutaneus type is the most frequent (95 percent). In early 2001, there was an outbreak of anthrax affecting both human and animals in Bogor. A definitive diagnosis of anthrax has been made in people in Hambalang village, Citeureup subdistrict of Bogor. The objective of this study is to describe the chronologica; event of the recent anthrax wabah in Bogor and to give a brief discussion of anthrax in human and animal.