01515 2200157 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056082001200097090001200109100002600121700002400147245030600171260000900477500087100486INLIS00000000000237720240223022615 a0010-0521002377240223 | |  a--/1357 a--/13570 aAhmad, Riza Zainuddin0 aHaryuningtyas, Dyah1 aEfek volume serum, temperatur dan kelembaban terhadap daya hidup Sarcoptes scabiei secara in vitro., Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner, Bogor,21-22 Agustus 2007. / Haryuningtyas, Dyah ; Ahmad, Riza Zainuddin (Balai Besar Penelitian Veteriner Bogor) /cAhmad, Riza Zainuddin c2007 aABSTRAK :Sarcoptes scabiei is an obligate ectoparasite causing sarcoptic mange at various species of livestock, especially small ruminant (goat and sheep). These mites make tunnel that causing intens pruritis, inflammation, limfe eksudation and alopecia. The most commonly method for the control of sheep scab is the direct aplication of synthetic acariside. Beside its price costly synthetic acariside also can cause resistance. Research of Herbal drugs as a botanical acariside will be developed to this parasite. One of the constraint is not yet known the optimal condition how long the mites can live on the off-host. This research aimed to know the effect of serum volume, temperature and humidity on off host of Sarcoptes scabiei at goat serum. Result of this research indicated that at goat serum Sarcoptes scabiei has the longest survival time (RT and RH, 27