02410 2200349 4500001002100000005001500021007000300036008003900039035002000078082001500098084002100113100001800134245013200152260010400284300001400388520133700402650001201739650002301751650002001774650001701794651001401811700002001825700001801845700002201863700003301885700001501918700002001933700002401953700002401977856004402001990001502045INLIS00000000001933620250310123914ta250310 | | |  a0010-0225000022 aARTVET2509 aARTVET2509 DOM c0 aDominic Smith1 aCalculation of livestock biomass and value by province in Indonesia :bKey information to support policymaking /cDominic Smith aUniversity Of Carlifornia Davis (UC Davis ) Shcool Of Veterinary Medicine :bAmerika Serikat,c2024 a14 :bill aAccurate estimations of the biomass and value of livestock in Indonesia are of great use in supporting investment decisions by the public and private sector and as a basis for estimating the losses due to animal disease. Biomass and the partial direct use value for key livestock species (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens) for all provinces of Indonesia were derived from secondary data using a novel spreadsheet-based model. Using beef cattle as an example, we also explored the use of a herd dynamics model to validate base data on populations and productivity used to generate biomass values, and these were found to be generally robust. Total partial direct use value of livestock is estimated to be almost USD54 billion in 2021, Comprising almost USD33 billion of population value and almost USD21 Billion of production value. Beef Cattle account for 44% Of total value and chicken (broiler, Layer and native chickens) account for a further 36% Of the total. Breaking the data down by province reveals the regional importance of some livestock types that are of relatively minor importance nationally (pigs in East Nusa Tenggara and sheep in West Java). It also reveals the importance of livestock in the poorest provinces of Indonesia, where livestock acts as a store of wealth and serves socio-cultural purposes. 4aBIOMASS 4aHERD DYNAMIC MODEL 4aLIVESTOCK VALUE 4aPOLICYMAKING 4aINDONESIA0 aDianne Mayberry0 aErmin Widjaja0 aHarimurti Nuradji0 aNi Luh Putu Indi Dharmayanti0 aNyak Ilham0 aRiyandini Putri0 aTarni Louisa Cooper0 aWidagdo Sri Nugroho adoi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2024.106164 aARTVET2509