01727 2200313 4500001002100000005001500021007000300036008003900039035002000078082001500098084002100113100002500134245009900159250003200258260005700290300001400347520085100361650001001212650001701222650001201239650002001251650001201271700001901283700002201302700001801324700001801342856003801360990001501398INLIS00000000001932020250310013421ta250310 | | |  a0010-0225000006 aARTVET2500 aARTVET2500 NLP n0 aNLP Indi Dharmayanti1 aNewcastle disease virus :bthe past and current situation in Indonesia /cNLP Indi Dharmayanti aVol. 25(1):e3, Januari 2024 aKorea :bKorean Society of Veterinary Science,c2023 a20 :bill aThe Newcastle disease virus (NDV) outbreak was first reported in Java Island, Indonesia, in 1926, which was then reported further in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. Nevertheless, the NDV is still endemic in Indonesia, with outbreaks occurring in free-range and commercial chicken farms. The dynamic evolution of the NDV has led to the further development of vaccines and diagnostic tools for more effective control of this virus. This paper discusses the history of the NDV occurrence, vaccines, the development of diagnostic tools, and the epidemiological condition of the NDV in Indonesia. Indonesia, which has the largest poultry population in the world after China, has challenges in preventing and controlling this virus that causes economic losses to the farmers and has an impact on the welfare of the poultry farming community in Indonesia. 4aBIRDS 4aEPIDEMIOLOGY 4aFARMING 4aPARAMYXOVIRIDAE 4aVACCINE0 aDiana Nurjanah0 aHarimurti Nuradji0 aRisa Indriani0 aTeguh Suyatno ahttps://doi.org/10.4142/jvs.23022 aARTVET2500