03322 2200385 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036007000300056008003900059082001500098084002100113100003100134245016000165250002700325260008200352300001400434650000800448650003100456650001500487650001700502650001300519700002400532700001700556700002300573700001800596700002600614700002600640700002600666700002400692700002300716700002400739520212200763856003602885990001502921INLIS00000000001931820250310013505 a0010-0225000004ta250310 | | |  aARTVET2498 aARTVET2498 DYA p0 aDyah Haryuningtyas Sawitri1 aPrevalence and risk factors associated with zoonotic gastrointestinal helminths transmitted by cats in Jabodetabek, Indonesia /cDyah Haryuningtyas Sawitri aVol. 14(10): 2551-2563 aTripoli, Libya :bFaculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Tripoli,c2024 a13 :bill 4aCAT 4aGASTROINTESTINAL HELMINTHS 4aPREVALENCE 4aRISK FACTORS 4aZOONOTIC0 aApril Hari Wardhana0 aFarlin Nefho0 aEko Setyo Purwanto0 aDwi Endrawati0 aYudhi Ratna Nugraheni0 aRoza Azizah Primatika0 aNdaru Andri Damayanti0 aRizal Arifin Akbari0 aEni Kusumaningtyas0 aMakoto Matsubayashi aBackground: Intestinal helminth infections in cats are often neglected major zoonoses spread from pets to humans worldwide. Aim: This study evaluated the prevalence and identified risk factors associated with zoonotic gastrointestinal helminth infections in different cat populations in the most populous megapolitan areas of Indonesia: Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek). Methods: Fecal samples from the shelter (stray) and household (owned) cats were analyzed using sugar flotation techniques. Intestinal helminth eggs were detected microscopically based on structural and morphometric characteristics. Risk factors for the occurrence of helminth infection were identified through statistial analysis of cat ownership, breed, migrant status, management practices, caging, feed type, and deworming medications used. Human cases of worm larvae infestation identified during the interviews were reported. Results: Analysis of 354 fecal samples revealed that 37.9% (134/354) of examined cats were infected with Toxocara sp., 22.6% (80/354) with Ancylostoma sp., 25.4% (90/354) with Uncinaria sp., 3.1% (11/354) with Strongyloides sp., 2% (7/354) with Diphyllobothrium sp., and 0.6% (2/354) with Dipylidium sp. Infection with roundworms and hookworms was associated with a variety of factors, including introduction of new animals, management practices, cage cleanliness, feed type, use of deworming medication, routine deworming, and contact with other animals. A human case of cutaneous larva migrans was due to hookworm (Ancylostoma sp./Uncinaria sp.) infection. Conclusion: The prevalence of important zoonotic gastrointestinal nematodes (hookworms and roundworms) is high in cats in Jabodetabek, Indonesia. To reduce the risk of transmission to other animals or humans, adequate measures to control, manage, and prevent zoonotic helminth infections are required. This study presents important baseline information that provides a basis for future epidemiologic studies and the development of strategies to manage zoonotic gastrointestinal helminths in cats in the region. aDOI: 10.5455/OVJ.2024.v14.i10.5 aARTVET2498