na INLIS000000000019209 20240911014052 0010-0924000288 ta 240911 | | | ARTVET2407 ARTVET2407 Sri Suryatmiati Prihandani* REKONSTITUSI ISOLAT KERING BEKU BAKTERI Pasteurella multocida PENYEBAB PENYAKIT NGOROK PADA SAPI DAN IDENTIFIKASI ULANG SECARA KONVENSIONAL DAN MOLEKULER / Sri Suryatmiati Prihandani* Kelti Bakteriologi Balai Besar Penelitian Veteriner, 2021 8 REKONSTITUSI ISOLAT KERING Beef as a source of animal protein is very popular because it can be processed into various menus and has a delicious taste. The availability of beef as a food ingredient of animal origin is influenced by health conditions in its maintenance. During the transition season, several endemic diseases such as Snoring disease (Septicemia epizootica) caused by Pasteurella multocida can cause production disruptions. Therefore it is necessary to know how the morphology and properties of this bacteria. In this study, the reconstitution of freeze-dried P. multocida isolates from cows continued with conventional and molecular re-identification were carried out to determine their characteristics. After reconstituting on Brain Heart Infusion media, subculturing on blood agar media, identification was carried out with biochemically step and molecularly step with the Polymerase Chain Reaction technique. The results showed that P. multocida isolates had morphologically short stems (coccoid) and Gram negative staining, did not grow in Mac Concey agar medium, non motile, oxidase positive, and catalase positive. The carbohydrate fermentation test on Triple Sugar Iron Agar media showed that P. multocida isolates could ferment glucose, lactose and sucrose but did not produce H2S and CO2 gas. Amplification of specific P. multocida genes was carried out using OIE standard primers which gave a PCR product of 460 bp in accordance with OIE standards. The conclusions of this study provide information that the conventional and molecular reconstitution of P. multocida freeze-dried isolates shows that bacteria are identical to the original. Furthermore, it is expected that high economic losses due to snoring in cattle can be anticipated by detecting the disease agent as early as possible.