02213 2200193 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036007000300056008003900059082001500098084001500113100003200128245014400160260001000304300000700314650002600321700002000347520165200367INLIS00000000001920820240911013743 a0010-0924000287ta240911 | | |  aARTVET2306 aARTVET23060 aDyah Haryuningtyas Sawitri11 aComparative pathology of mice infected with high and low virulence of Indonesian Trypanosoma evansi isolates /cDyah Haryuningtyas Sawitri1 c20120 a12 4aComparative pathology0 aRini Damayanti1 aMice infected with T. evansi cause various clinical manifestations and histopathological changes. The aim of this study was to compare the histopathological lesions of mice infected with T. evansi Bang 87 isolates (high virulence) and Pml 287 isolates (low virulence). A total of 15 susceptible mice (DDY) were divided into three groups (?ve mice/group): Groups I and II each were infected with 104 T. evansi of high virulence (Bang87) and low virulence (Pml 287), respectively, whereas group III served as a control group. A total of three mice from group I, and one mouse from each group II and III were killed at 4 dpi. A total of two mice from each group II and III were killed at 24 dpi. Two remaining mice from each group were observed until succumb. Mice of group I and group II at 4 dpi showed no gross lesions. However, mice of group I showed very acute animal death at 5 dpi and showed mild to moderate histopathological lesions at 4 dpi, namely non- suppurative encephalitis, non-suppurative pneumonia, hepatitis non-suppurative with intravascular trypanosomi- asis, tubular degeneration and necrosis. Group II showed chronic death at 26 dpi with signi?cant gross pathological changes at 24 dpi in spleen (swelling 10 times than normal size) accompanied by severe non-suppurative encephalitis, cholangiohepatitis non-suppurative and bile duct prolifer- ation, diffused splenic necrosis. The result of this study is expected to be used as a basis for improved treatment management in cattle infected with high virulence T. evansi isolates that are need to be handled appropriately to avoid fatal consequences.