02067 2200181 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036007000300056008003900059082001500098084001500113100003100128245018700159260004400346300000700390650003100397520145700428INLIS00000000001920720240911013526 a0010-0924000286ta240911 | | |  aARTVET2405 aARTVET24050 aSri Suryatmiati Prihandani1 aPENGARUH JENIS PERASAN BAWANG PUTIH (ALLIUM SATIVUM L.) DAN LAMA PENYIMPANAN TERHADAP PH DAN JUMLAH BAKTERI DAGING BROILER SELAMA PENYIMPANAN 5OC /cSri Suryatmiati Prihandani aBalai Besar Penelitian Veteriner,c2021 a14 4aJENIS PERASAN BAWANG PUTIH aEffect of variant Garlic Juice ( Allium sativum L.) On pH and Total Bacteria of Broiler Met Storing at 5OC. Garlic juice is containing of ascorbic acid and atsitri oil (allicin) that useful for reducing pH and activity as antimicrobial agent. Therefore it can be used for preserving broiler meat. The aim of the study was to find out the effect of local and imported garlic (Allium sativum L) juice on pH and total bacteria of broiler meat stored at 5oC. Broiler meat is soaked in to both local and import garlic juice with concentration 1.5%, then packed into plastic and stored at temperature 5oC. The study applied completely randomized design, factorial pattern 3X4. The first factor were control, local garlic juice and imported garlic juice. The second factor were storing time at 0, 3 days, 6 days and 9 days. Data on the number of bacteria is transformed into logaritma, then analyzed using analysis of variance and if the results are significantly different then followed by Duncan's multiple range test at the 5% level. The relationship between storage time with pH and type of garlic juice was analyzed by linear regression. Responses that measured were pH and bacterial count of broiler meat. Results of the study showed that garlic juice reduced the pH and reduced bacterial counts significantly (P<0.01). Imported garlic juice was better than that of local garlic juice in reducing bacterial counts during storing.