01639 2200217 4500001002100000005001500021007000300036008003900039035002000078082001500098084001500113100002200128245010500150250001800255260005600273300000600329520103800335650002201373700001401395700001201409INLIS00000000001918920240911124423ta240911 | | |  a0010-0924000268 aARTVET2346 aARTVET23460 aFaidah Rachmawati1 aAntisipasi Penyakit Emerging Mycoplasma bovis :bPencegahan dan Penanggulangan /cFaidah Rachmawati aVol. 29 No. 4 aBalai Besar Penelitian Veteriner :bWARTAZOA,c2019 a7 aMycoplasma bovis is one of the pathogens, causes respiratory, reproductive, mastitis and arthritis disorders in cattle. Due to the economic impact of this disease, Mycoplasma bovis must be free on farms. There are no pathognomonic symptoms of Mycoplasma infection, so it needs laboratory confirmation to diagnose. Many countries have routinely examined M. bovis on cases of mastitis, arthritis, pneumonia and reproductive disorders. There was no cases of respiratory disorder in cattle related to M. bovis infection reported in Indonesia. The fact that, in many countries almost that cases related to the presence of M. bovis. The presence of M. bovis in Indonesia should be investigated, considering that Indonesia imports cattle from Australia and New Zealand that expose to M. bovis. This paper discusses the incidence of M. bovis infection in many countries including its economic impact, clinical symptoms, and method of diagnosis and control of disease to anticipate the emergence of this disease in Indonesia. 4aPenyakit Emerging0 aHHS Purba0 aSM Noor