03584 2200145 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056082001200097090001200109100001500121245022600136260000900362500306700371INLIS00000000000213220240223022252 a0010-0521002132240223 | |  a--/1346 a--/13460 aSudarisman1 aBeberapa aspek epidemiologi kejadian Avian Influenza pada unggas di lapangan., Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner, Bogor,21-22 Agustus 2007. / Sudarisman (Balai Besar Penelitian Veteriner Bogor) c2007 a.-- p.767-775.ABSTRAK : Avian Influenza (Al) that is affecting poultry in Indonesia is an infectious and contagious disease caused by highly pathogenic type A influenza virus. Problems encountered due to Al cases in the field, the risk factors. disease distribution and disease control were evaluated. The approach was made by observations on: Partisipatory Disease Searching (PDS) method, vaccination programs, infection in chicken, rapid detection test, and regulations in Al cases. In Local Disease Control Center (LDCC) Bogor observation area, Bekasi, Sukabumi, and Bogor districts were the endemic areas with the highest risk factors such as wild birds, chicken retailers and rivers. In chicken, it was found out that maternal antibody could last until the ninth day of age and the immunity decreased and reached the lowest level on the 18th day of age. It was suggested that the chicken would be best vaccinated on the 10th to 12th day of age. Al infection in vaccinated chicken sometimes resulted in an increased of percentage of coefficient of variations (CV) of antibody titers without significant clinical signs. Revaccination could be done when the CV is greater than 30 percent. Rapid detection tests were reliable tests and could be used as the first indicator in field disease monitoring. Vaccination programs using local Al vaccines showed good protection in chicken. Regulations such as depopulation and immediate compensation were not popular among the farmer, especially due to the economic loss caused by the low compensation value. / Avian Influenza (AI) yang terjadi di Indonesia merupakan penyakit unggas menular yang disebabkan oleh virus Influenza type A yang sangat patogen. Permasalahan AI di lapangan, faktor resiko, penyebaran penyakit serta program vaksinasi yang telah dilakukan telah dievaluasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap berbagai hal seperti: metoda Partisipatory Disease Searching (PDS), berbagai program vaksinasi, kejadian infeksi, uji deteksi cepat, dan peraturan sehubungan dengan adanya kasus AI. Di Local Disease Control Center (LDCC) Bogor terutama kabupaten Bekasi, Sukabumi dan Bogor merupakan daerah endemis panyakit AI dengan faktor resiko tertinggi seperti burung liar dan penjaja ayam keliling serta sungai. Kekebalan asal induk ayam yang divaksinasi, akan bertahan hingga umur anak mencapai sembilan hari, dan penurunan paling rendah terjadi pada umur delapan belas hari. Infeksi pada ayam yang divaksinasi dapat terjadi sangat ringan tanpa gejala klinis, tetapi terlihat dari meningkatnya persentase koefisien keseragaman (CV) vaksinasi ulang dapat dilakukan jika CV lebih besar dari 30 persen. Uji deteksi cepat merupakan uji yang dapat diandalkan sebagai indikator pertama dalam situasi tanggap penyakit di lapangan. Program vaksinasi menggunakan vaksin local ternyata cukup memberikan proteksi yang cukup baik dalam pencegahab AI di lapangan. Tindakan depopulasi merupakan tindakan yang tidak populer di antara peternak, terutama jika ternak yang dikorbankan tidak setara nilainya dengan uang pengganti.