02675 2200217 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036007000300056008003900059082001500098084001500113100002500128245018600153260007200339300000700411650002500418700001900443700002300462700001800485520195400503INLIS00000000001914820240911083457 a0010-0924000227ta240911 | | |  aARTVET1821 aARTVET18210 aNLP Indi Dharmayanti1 aSirkulasi virus Avian influenza H5N1 Tahun 2010 :bVirus genetic drift mirip A/Ck/West Java/Pwt-VVij/2006 ditemukan di beberapa kabupaten di Sumatra dan Jawa /cNLP Indi Dharmayanti aBalai Besar Penelitian Veteriner :bJurnal Biologi Indonesia,c2012 a17 4aAvian influenza H5N10 aAtik Ratnawati0 aDyah Ayu Hewaj uli0 aRisa Indriani aThe avian influenza H5N1 virus circulation in 2010 : Genetic Drift Like Virus A/Chicken/ West Java/Pwt-Wij/2006 was found in several districts of Sumatra and Java. Until 2011, the H5N1 subtype of AI virus is still circulating in many parts of Indonesia. The discovery of the AI viruses which have undergone genetic drift since 2006 until now requires serious attention from the government in terms of AI disease control, the surveillance and monitoring of virus circulation and execution of genetic mapping to determine the genetic character of the AI virus at the molecular level, especially on the surface of glycoproteins (HA and NA protein). This information is needed to determine the diversity and character of the AI virus in Indonesia. Genetic data are used to evaluate the strategy to control AI in Indonesia, such as vaccination and the vaccine seed used and determine the extent of AI virus mutation in Indonesia has been mutated. This study conducted by monitoring of the AI virus circulation throughout 2010. The methods used were AI virus isolation, RT-PCR, sequencing of genes coding for viral surface and the prediction of three-dimensional analysis to determine the location of virus mutation. The results of this study showed that most of the AI virus subtype H5N1, which was isolated during the year 2010, showed similar mutations to the genetic drift virus in 2006, A /Ck/ West Java/Pwt-Wij/2006. The viruses were characterized by the presence of 18-19 amino acid substitutions at the level of the HA protein. On the NA protein level, there is a single mutation which was buried in the NA molecule. This mutation probably did not influence for NA activity. Genetic mapping ofAl virus subtype H5N1 in 2010 showed that the viral genetic drift as the mutan virus A/Ck/West Java/Pwt-Wij/2006 have circulated not only in West Jawa alone but has been found on the island of Sumatra, Banten, West Jawa and East Jawa.