na INLIS000000000018984 20240906113625 0010-0924000063 ta 240906 | | | ARTVET759 ARTVET759 KUSMIYATI KLONING MOLEKUL DNA GENOMIK ESCHERICHIA COL' ENTEROTOKSIGENIK 98W : SEBUAH KAJIAN MENGENAI PENGEMBANGAN VAKSIN SECARA REKAYASA GENETIKA / KUSMIYATI Balai Penelitian Veteriner, Bogor : Prosiding Seminar Teknologi Veteriner 7h., 1994 11 MOLEKUL DNA GENOMIK SUPAR G.R. MOEKTI In order to analyse DNA fragments encoding synthesis of adhesin antigens in enterotoxigenic Escherichia cell 987P, a blind molecular cloning was undertaken. Genomic DNA was extracted from field isolates of E. coil bearing 987P adhesin, and fragmented utilizing restriction enzymes Sau3A or EcoRV. The fragmented genomic DNA was then used to generate libraries in the E. coil XL1-Blue expression system employing phagemid pBluescript II SK vector. AU clones suspected recombinant DNA were grown on selective medium for propagating 987P adhesin antigen. Six recombinat clones (mutants) were selected to be tested serologically using antiserum anti 987P adhesin antigen raised in rabbits. Of the 15 mutants, 13 of which were found to be able to express a homologous polypeptide compound against 987P anti adhesin antibody. The present study may therefore suggest that a DNA fragment clone is located in the area of coding sequence for the synthesis of adhesin antigen in enterotoxigenic Escherichia cob 987P. Further studies may be required particularly in connection to the determination of the sequence of DNA fragment clone, expression of gene clone, and the potential use of expressing components as sub-unit vaccines.