na INLIS000000000018948 20250108103759 0010-0924000027 ta 250108 | | | ARTVET0392 ARTVET0392 RINI DAMAYANTI GAMBARAN PATOLOGI KERACUNAN INSEKTISIDA ORGANOFOSFAT-DIAZINON PADA AYAM / RINI DAMAYANTI Vol. XXVI No. 47, Semester 1 Balai Penelitian Veteriner, Bogor : Penyakit Hewan, 1994 4 PATOLOGI YUNINGSIH Damayanti Rini and Yuningsih. 1994. Pathological Changes of Organophosphate Diazinon Insecticide Poisoning in Chicken. Penyakit Hewan 26(47): 53-56. Seven chicken which originated from farms located in Bogor and Sukabumi were sent to Balitvet for examination. Toxicological analysis of feed samples showed an organophosphate-diazinon insecticide poisoning. The clinical signs were paralysis and sudden death, whereas grossly the liver was black, and the mucosal surface of the crop, gizzard and intestine were green in colour. Histological findings revealed congestion of the brain, lung, liver and kidney; hepatic multifocal necrosis, nephrosis of kidney and proventricular necrosis and erosion. Key words: organophosphate, diazinon, chicken, pathology ARTVET0392