01207 2200241 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036245010800056700001600164700001600180250003100196260007800227300000600305084001400311082001400325008003900339100001900378650001200397650001600409520051200425651001200937990001600949INLIS00000000001892520241111101045 a0010-09240000041 aSTUDY OF DISEASES OF BUFFALO AND BEEF CATTLE IN THE SUBDISTRICT OF JONGGOL, WEST JAVA /cSIMSON TARIGAN0 aA.J. WIISON0 aM. DARODJAT aVol. XIXNo. 33, Semester I aResearch Institute for Veterinary Science, Bogor :bPenyakit Hewan,c1987 a3 aARTVET162 aARTVET162241111 | | | 0 aSIMSON TARIGAN 4aBUFFALO 4aBEEF CATTLE aUsing a questionnaire and collection of blood and faecal samples, a disease investigation survey was conducted on buffalo and beef cattle in the Jonggol subdistrict of Bogor, West Java. The main purpose was to obtain information on some economically important diseases in these animals indicating possible areas for further research. Thestudy revealed that poor herd productivity and fascioliasis were the most frequent problems. The poor herd productivity was associated with a lack of mature male animals. 4aJONGGOL a00000032941