na INLIS000000000018082 20220301100959 0010-0322000001 ta 220301 | | | ARTVET2124 SAROSA, A DAYA IIIDUP VIRUS VAKSIN NEWCASTLE / SAROSA, A Penyakit Hewan 1992 24 (43A): 15-19. Viability oral Newcastle disease vaccine virus RONOHARD30, P PAREDF, L DARMINTO Sarosa, A., P. Ronohardjo, L. Parede dan Danninto. 1992. The viability of the oral Newcastle disease vaccine virus on the variety of chicken feed. Penyakit Ilewan 24 (43A): 15-19. A study was carried out to evaluate the viability of four strains of Newcastle disease vaccine virus which were used for oral vaccine of Newcastle disease on a variety of chicken feed. The chicken feed used in this study were: small grained unhusked rice, small grained unhusked rice boiled for 10 minutes, small grained unhusked rice washed 3 times, minced cassava, white rice, half cooked rice, cooked rice, coarse grained unhusked rice, coarse grained unhusked rice washed 3 times, coarse grained unhusked rice boiled for 10 minutes. The results of this study indicated that all vaccine viruses decreased their titer after mixing with white rice at 0 hour. When small paddy rice grain and bigger grain of unhusked paddy rice were used, the vaccine virus could not be detected at 6 hours after mixing. On the other chicken feed the vaccine virus could still be detected after storage for 24 hours, although the titres showed remarkable drop. feed