01715 2200241 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036007000300056008003900059084001500098100001400113245005200127250001900179260000900198300002100207650001400228650004100242700001800283700001400301700001300315520113600328600000901464INLIS00000000001808220220301100959 a0010-0322000001ta220301 | | |  aARTVET21241 aSAROSA, A1 aDAYA IIIDUP VIRUS VAKSIN NEWCASTLE /cSAROSA, A aPenyakit Hewan c1992 a24 (43A): 15-19. 4aViability 4aoral Newcastle disease vaccine virus1 aRONOHARD30, P1 aPAREDF, L1 aDARMINTO aSarosa, A., P. Ronohardjo, L. Parede dan Danninto. 1992. The viability of the oral Newcastle disease vaccine virus on the variety of chicken feed. Penyakit Ilewan 24 (43A): 15-19. A study was carried out to evaluate the viability of four strains of Newcastle disease vaccine virus which were used for oral vaccine of Newcastle disease on a variety of chicken feed. The chicken feed used in this study were: small grained unhusked rice, small grained unhusked rice boiled for 10 minutes, small grained unhusked rice washed 3 times, minced cassava, white rice, half cooked rice, cooked rice, coarse grained unhusked rice, coarse grained unhusked rice washed 3 times, coarse grained unhusked rice boiled for 10 minutes. The results of this study indicated that all vaccine viruses decreased their titer after mixing with white rice at 0 hour. When small paddy rice grain and bigger grain of unhusked paddy rice were used, the vaccine virus could not be detected at 6 hours after mixing. On the other chicken feed the vaccine virus could still be detected after storage for 24 hours, although the titres showed remarkable drop. 4afeed