na INLIS000000000018077 20220225082930 0010-0222000051 ta 220225 | | | ARTVET2370 Wahyuwardani, Sutiastuti Etika Kesejahteraan Hewan dalam Penelitian dan Pengujian: Implementasi dan Kendalanya : (Animal Welfare Ethics in Research and Testing: Implementation and its Barrier) / Wahyuwardani, Sutiastuti WARTAZOA 2020 Vol. 30 No. 4 Th. Hlm. 211-220 Animal welfare ethical clearance IACUC research Noor, SM Bakrie, B Experimental animals have an important role in research and testing to improve human and animal health. The use of animal in an experiment must be balanced between science and ethical values of animal welfare. This paper discusses the role of IACUC, the implications of animal welfare for research, animal ethical clearance and obstacles in the implementation of animal welfare. Institution of Animal Care Use Committee (IACUC) has an important role to ensure that researcher has animal ethical clearance before conducting research and testing. Research and testing using animal should comply with ethical principles: respect, beneficiary and justice; 3Rs principles: Replacement, Reduction, Refinement and 5F/Freedom: freedom from hunger and thirst, heat and discomfort, pain, trauma and disease, fear and stress and expressing behavior naturally. The application of animal ethics clearance in Indonesia in research using animals is compulsary in various institutions. However, there are several barriers in its implementation, including some research institutions do not have IACUC, some researchers are lack of awareness to apply for animal ethical clearance, reluctant to IACUC requirements, lack of animal facilities that meet animal welfare requirements and lack of competence in animal handling according to animal welfare