Antibody response in cattle after local isolate SE vaccine administration Noor, Susan Maphilindawati Prihandani, Sri Suriatniati Desem, M I Purba, H H S Andriani text 2021 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
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860 (2021) 012071, p. 1-4 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/860/1/012071
Septicemic Epizootica (SE) in livestock caused by bacterial infection of Pasteurella multocida. The serotype of P. multocida in Indonesia is the Asian serotype B:2. The objective of this study is to determine antibody responses of cattle after vaccinating with local isolates Local isolate SE Vaccine. Ten female cattle aged around one year used in this experiment. Cattle divided into 3 groups, Group A (n=4) vaccinated with local isolates SE vaccines, Group B (n=4) vaccinated with commercial SE vaccines and Group C (n=2) unvaccinated. The concentration of SE vaccine is 2mg, and the vaccine was administrated 3ml subcutaneously. Antibody responses measured before and after vaccination using indirect-ELISA. The result of antibody titre of cattle vaccinated with local isolate SE vaccine in seppic-montanide formulation showed higher results compared to SE commercial vaccine and unvaccinated group. This local isolate SE vaccine has good potential as a candidate for SE vaccine in cattle. Noor, Susan Maphilindawati SEPTICEMIC EPIZOOTICA, CATTLE, VACCINE ARTVET2422 ARTVET2422 221216 20221216104222 INLIS000000000018028 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)