02504 2200313 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036007000300056008003900059082001500098084001500113100002200128245011100150250001300261260000900274300002800283650000800311650001700319650001100336650001700347700001600364700001700380700002200397700001700419520082200436520086201258651001402120856005602134INLIS00000000001802720220204104904 a0010-0222000001ta220204 | | |  aARTVET2423 aARTVET24230 aSendow, Indrawati1 aLumpy Skin Disease :bAncaman Penyakit Emerging bagi Status Kesehatan Hewan Nasional /cSendow, Indrawati aWARTAZOA c2021 aVol. 31 No. 2, p. 85-96 4aLSD 4aanticipation 4acattle 4arisk factors0 aAssadah, NS0 aRatnawati, A0 aDharmayanti, NLPI0 aSaepulloh, M aLumpy skin disease (LSD) causes economic losses for cattle farmers, caused by the LSD virus, genus of Capripoxvirus, family of Poxviridae. This disease is characterized by the presence of nodules on the skin. This virus only infects cattle and swamp buffalo with a low mortality rate, but has a high morbidity rate. This virus, however, does not infect goats and sheep. Until now, LSD has not been reported in Indonesia, therefore the knowledge about LSD is needed to be introduced especially for field veterinarians and paramedics so the disease can be well informed. This paper discusses about transmission, epidemiology, diagnosis, risk factors and control measures of LSD, hence, the entry of LSD infection into Indonesia can be detected, reported and response as early as possible by relevant stakeholders. aLumpy skin disease (LSD) menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi bagi peternak sapi, yang disebabkan oleh virus LSD, genus Capripoxvirus, famili Poxviridae dengan gejala klinis yang spesifik berupa nodul pada kulit. Virus ini hanya menginfeksi sapi dan kerbau rawa dengan tingkat mortalitas rendah, namun dengan morbiditas tinggi. Virus ini tidak menginfeksi kambing dan domba. Hingga saat ini, LSD belum pernah dilaporkan di Indonesia, oleh karena itu pengenalan penyakit LSD diperlukan terutama bagi dokter hewan dan paramedis lapangan sehingga informasi tentang LSD dapat diketahui dengan baik. Tulisan ini membahas penyakit LSD terutama cara penyebaran penyakit, epidemiologi, diagnosis, faktor risiko, serta pengendaliannya, sehingga apabila LSD masuk ke Indonesia dapat dideteksi, dilaporkan dan direspon sedini mungkin oleh seluruh pemangku kepentingan. 4aIndonesia aDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14334/wartazoa.v31i2.2739