na INLIS000000000017814 20210803033945 0010-0721002346 Indonesian Wild Ginger (Zingiber sp) Extract: Antibacterial Activity against Mycoplasma gallisepticum / Sutardi, Lina N.; W. Ietje; H. EKowati; Andriani (Balai Besar Penelitian Veteriner); Setiyono, Agus W. Ietje H. EKowati Andriani (Balai Besar Penelitian Veteriner) Setiyono, Agus IOSR Journal of Pharmacy 2015 Volume 5, Issue 10 (October 2015), PP. 59-64 ARTVET2087 ARTVET2087 210803 | | | Wild ginger, chronic respiratory disease, mycoplasma gallisepticum Lempuyang gajah (Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith), lempuyang pahit (Zingiber amaricans BL.), and lempuyang wangi (Zingiber aromaticum Vahl.) are used as traditional medicine (jamu) in Indonesia. It is also used for treatment of microbial infections, helps to increase appetite and stimulate digestion in chickens. Information on their uses are available, but only limited in the scientific data on their bioactivity. The study was conducted on the antibacterial effect of organic extracts of these plants with Mycoplasma gallisepticum as the agent of chronic respiratory disease in chickens. Juice and extracts of fresh and dried rhizome are evaluated through the disc diffusion assay and minimum inhibitory concentration. Oxytetracyclin (30 ?g) are used as standards. All extracts are individually exhibited as antibacterial activity against Mycoplasma gallisepticum (7 ± 0.11 mm to 21 ± 0.86 mm). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination of plants extracts are ranged from 7.8 mg/ml to 31.2 mg/ml. The preliminary results suggested promising antibacterial properties of wild ginger from Indonesia, and probably could be used in management of chronic respiratory disease in chickens. ARTVET2087