na INLIS000000000017788 20210806041630 0010-0721002320 Investigasi Surra pada Berbagai Jenis Ternak yang Terinfeksi Trypanosoma evansi Secara Alami di Provinsi Banten / Wardhana, A. H.; Sawitri, D. H.; Herwandi, N. Sawitri, D. H. Herwandi, N. Prosiding Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner ”Teknologi Inovatif Peternakan dan Veteriner Menuju Industri Peternakan Maju, Mandiri, dan Modern di Era New Normal” Bogor, 26-27 Oktober 2020 2020 p. 427-440 ARTVET2368 ARTVET2368 210806 | | | Trypanosoma evansi, surra, PCR, CATT/T. evansi, Banten Surra caused by blood protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma evansi remains major problem in livestock sector. So far, there is no comprehensive study of surra involving various livestock which acts as reservoirs. The aim of the study was to investigate surra cases attacking various livestock in Banten Province using some diagnostic methods. A total of 288 blood and sera samples collected from buffaloes, cattle, goat, and sheep used in this study was obtained from 12 sub districts in 4 districts at Banten Province. Those samples were analysed using four methods i.e. blood smear, micro-haematocrite centrifugation test (MHCT), serological test (Card Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis; CATT/T. evansi) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The result showed that 2.9% samples were positif based on morfological observation using blood smear and MHCT. According to the serological test (CATT/T. evansi), 29,39% samples were seropositive, while PCR method gave positive result in 25,64% samples with Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 (ITS1) and Trypanosoma brucei 1/2 (TBR1/2) primers. All samples from goat and sheep were negative from T. evansi infection. Among investigated districts, the high surra prevalence was found in Tangerang and Pandeglang Districts. In term of host, the number of buffaloes infected by surra was higher than cattle, followed by goat dan sheep. The result indicated that the presence of livestock in Banten Province might act as surra reservoir. DOI: ARTVET2368