na INLIS000000000017738 20210830013438 210830 | | | 0010-0721002270 ARTVET2318 ARTVET2318 Isolation of Salmonella from reptiles in pet shop and its susceptibility to antibiotics in Indonesia / Arnafia, Wayan; Ningrum, Siti G; Adji, Rahmat Sety; Lukman, D.W; Pasaribu, F.H; Wibawan, I.W.T Human and Veterinary Medicine 2016 Vol. 8(4)p.177-181 Aim: The prevalence of Salmonella carriage in reptiles, from pet shops in Bogor, Indonesia, on January 2016 was studied to assess the risk of disease exposure for humans once these animals were traded as pets. Antibiotic susceptibility patterns were also analyzed to esti- mate the emergence of antibiotic-resistant Salmonella strains. Methods: Samples (n=40) were obtained by touching the skin around cloaca with sterile cotton swabs. Identification of Salmonella was conducted by a series of biochemical and genetic tests using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. Resistance to antibiotics was tested by the disc diffusion methods. Results: The prevalence of Salmonella in healthy reptiles in this study was 10%. Resistance was most commonly observed against streptomycin (75%) and norfloxacin (75%), followed by gentamicin (25%), nalidixic acid (25%) and tetracycline (25%). A total of 75% strains showed resistance to two or more antibacterial drugs. All Salmonella isolates proved to be susceptible to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and ampicillin. Salmonella, reptiles, antibiotic resistance. Adji, Rahmat Sety Lukman, D.W Ningrum, Siti G Pasaribu, F.H Wibawan, I.W.T ARTVET2318