na INLIS000000000017697 20211004094123 0010-0721002229 Bacterial expression of larval peritrophins of Chryosomya bezziana. / Wijffels, Gene; Vuocolo, Tony; Muharsini, Sri[Research Institute for Veterinary Science]Supriyanti, Florentina. Vuocolo, Tony Muharsini, Sri[Research Institute for Veterinary Science]Supriyanti, Florentina. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner. 2000 Vol.5 (3): p.170-176. 2000. ARTVET2043 ARTVET2043 211004 | | | Chrysomya, peritrophic membrane, peritrophin, recombinant protein, hexaHis tag, GST Three candidate antigens, Chrysomya bezziana peritrophin-48, Chrysomya bezziana peritrophin-15 and Chrysomya bezziana peritrophin-42, were prepared for recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli using a variety of expression vectors. Cb peritrophin-48 was expressed as a recombinant protein possessing a carboxy-terminal hexaHis tag. Cb peritrophin-15 was expressed as both a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein and as an amino-terminal hexaHis tagged protein. The glutathione Stransferase Cb peritrophin-15 construct produced a heterogeneous group of fusion proteins. Cb peritrophin-42 was also expressed as an amino-terminal hexaHis tagged protein. The two putative domains of Cb peritrophin-42 were also separately expressed, again with amino-terminal hexaHis tags. Cultures of the hexaHis constructs Cb peritrophin-48, -15 and —42 were demonstrated to be useful for the production and purification of these protein antigens and were scaled-up for vaccine trials and protein characterization studies. ARTVET2043