Paramphistomiasis pada sapi Bali I. Infeksi rata-rata Paramphistomum sp. dan infeksi pada siput sebagai inang antara text 1983 Penyakit Hewan en Vol.15(26) p.97-101 Paramphistomiasis in cattle has been reported all over the world. This disease occurs not only in the tropical areas such as Africa and Asia but also in the sub tropical areas such as Europe, Australia and North America. This study was carried out in two parts: first a study infection rate in Bandung Slaughter House and secondly a snail collection in 13 Balinese villages. The results of this study indicated that infection rate of Paramphistomum sp. in Bali cattle was 88.89 percents. The species of snails which were infected with redia and cercaria of paramphistomum worms were Gyraulus convexiusculus (5.17 percents) and Digoniostoma truncatum (8.69 percents). Darmono; Adiwinata, Gatot (Balai Penelitian Penyakit Hewan, Bogor (Indonesia))Djayasasmita, Machfudz (Museum Zoologi LBN LIPI, Bogor (Indonesia)). INDONESIA -- CATTLE -- INFECTION -- BALI CATTLE -- PARAMPHISTOMUM ARTVET56 ARTVET56 210731 20210731070648 INLIS000000000015526 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)