01084 2200193 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036245016300056700007200219250001900291260000900310300002400319084001300343082001300356008003900369650007100408520039800479990001300877INLIS00000000001552520210731070239 a0010-0721000057 aAvitaminosis B-complex salah satu penyebab kelumpuhan pada itik (studi kasus). /cIstiana; Poernomo, Sri (Balai Penelitian Penyakit Hewan, Bogor (Indonesia)). aPoernomo, Sri (Balai Penelitian Penyakit Hewan, Bogor (Indonesia)). aPenyakit Hewan c1983 aVol.15(25) p.95-96. aARTVET55 aARTVET55210731 | | |  4aRIBOFLAVIN -- DUCK -- PARALYSIS -- VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES -- THIAMIN aA case of duck paralysis in four local Tegal ducks was repoeted. The ducks were collected from farmers in Kecamatan Sragi Kabupaten Pekalongan. Each duck was injected with 1 ml of vitamin B-complex for 3 days. They recovered, stand up, and their appetites increased. This case showed that paralysis of the ducks might be casued by a deficiency of vitamin B1(thiamin) or vitamin B2(riboflavin). aARTVET55