Pengaruh pengobatan dengan kombinasi disophenol dan thibendazole terhadap cacing nematoda saluran pencernaan pada domba text 1982 PENYAKIT HEWAN Vol.14(24) p.31-33 The use of disphenol and thibenzole at the same time for the control of gastrointestinal nematode infestations in sheep was studied in Sindang Barang Bogor. Twelve sheep, naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes were divided into two groups of 6 animals each. One group was treated simultaneously with disophenol injection (7.5 mg per kg body weight) and with thibenzole drench (50 mg per kg body weight). This treatment was conducted at 12 weeks interval. The second group was left untreated. The faecal egg count of each animal was recorded every 4 weeks for 20 weeks after the first treatment. The result of this study indicated that disophenol and thibenzole given together reduced the faecal egg counts to very low levels (mean 20 epg on week 20) while in the control group high egg counts persisted (mean 1316 epg on week 20). Darmono; Partoutomo, Sutijono; Sukarsih; Adiwinata, Gatot (Balai Penelitian Penyakit Hewan, Bogor (Indonesia)). INDONESIA -- SHEEP -- DRUG COMBINATIONS -- HAEMONCHUS CONTORTUS -- NEMATODA -- ANTHELMINTICS -- THIABENDAZOLE ARTVET38 ARTVET38 210730 20210730033354 INLIS000000000015508 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)