na INLIS000000000000121 20210323091304 210323||||||||| | ||| |||| || | 010-0321000121 en Unang Patriana Ariestiana Permata Adji Penentuan Sulfadiazin dengan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (HPLC) Vol. 2, p. 47-49 Bogor BBPMSOH 1990 3 tables; 4 ref. Summary (En) a High performance liquid chromatographic method (HPLC) for determination of sulfadiazine in swine meat was developed. Sulfadiazine was extracted from meat by homogenizing with acetonitrile. The homogenate was centrifuged and supermatant was evaporated. The extract was dissolved in 85% methanol and applied to an alumina coloumn. Sulfadiazine was eluted with acetonitrile-acetic acid water (22:1:78) and the eluate was applied to an HPLC coloumn packed with Nucleosil 5C18. The average recoveries of sulfadiazine added 1 ppm and 10 ppm to swine meat were 80.5% and 93.2%. The detection limit sulfadiazine by this method was 2.5ng. Drugs -- PORK -- HPLC -- SULPHONAMIDES -- CALIBRATION