Mutu Vaksin Septicaemia Epozootica Yang Beredar di Indonesia tahun 2007 Istiyaningsih text Bogor BBPMSOH 2009 Vol. 14, p.1-3 id 1 table; 8 ref. (Summary En) A Study on the quality of Septicaemia epizootica vaccines was conducted in 2007. Samples were collected from 6 province livestock services. A total of 6 vaccines were tested based on its general, safety and potency test according to Pasive Mice Protection Test (PMPT). The result showed vaccines from Lampung, South Kalimantan and Bali have protection rate 80%, 90% and 80% respectively, while vaccines from South Sulawesi, Banten and Nusa Tenggara Barat have 70%, 55%, and 20% respecttively. The decrease of vaccine potency due to cold chains during transportation and storage. Animal Diseases -- Bacteria -- Testing -- Vaccines -- ANTIBODIES -- CATTLE -- INDONESIA -- WATER BUFFALOES -- PASTEURELLA MULTOCIDA -- Haemorrhagic Septicaemia 0852-9612 210323 20210323091237 INLIS000000000000007 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)