Evaluasi pengujian vaksin infectious Bronchitis tahun 1987-2001 Pudjiatmoko text Bogor Lea & Febiger 2001 Vol. 8, p.1-7 id 5 tables; 21 ref. Summary (En) Study on result of infectious bronchitis (IB) vaccine assay was done. This study is based on results of viral vaccine assay at National Veterinary Drug Assay Laboratory, Index of Indonesian veterinary drugs, and documents of veterinary drug registration. The purpose of this study is to evaluate IB vaccine assay done from 1987 to 2001. This study describes registered vaccines in Indonesia; virus strains of IB vaccine; results of virus content,safety, and potency test. In 14 years, 140 IB vaccines have been registered by Department of Agriculture, Indonesia. Eighty-seven vaccines have been tested. sixty-four vaccines passed the test. Antigens -- Medicinal Properties -- Viruses -- Vaccines -- CHICKENS -- INFECTIOUS DISEASES -- SEROTYPES -- INDONESIA -- Bronchitis 0852-9612 210323 20210323091255 INLIS000000000000083 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)