Pengaruh desinfektan Orthodichlorobenzene dan Quinomethionate untuk pencegahan koksidiosis pada ayam Hasbullah text Bogor BBPMSOH 1995 Vol. 4, p. 22-26 id 2 tables.; 8 Summary (en) The effect Or othodichlorobenzene and quinomethionate desinfectant on chicken coccidiosis was investigated and evaluated. Chickens were devided into two groups, 500 each (treatment group and control group), which based on the treatment. the mixture of orthodichlorobenzene and quinomethionate desinfectant was sprayed on five consecutive day and ended at 35 days of chickens age. Twenty fecal samples were randomly taken and examined for the presence of oocyst. The observation was carried out on body weight gain, clinical signs, lesion scores and the number of oocysts discharges. The result obtained showed that there were significant different between treatment group and control group. CHICKENS -- INDONESIA -- COCCIDIOSIS -- DISINFECTANTS -- ZYGOTES 0852 96-12 210323 20210323091257 INLIS000000000000092 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)