Detection of MD Antibodies of chicken in bogor and tangerang districts using herpes virus turkey (HVT) infected cells Arini Nurhandayani text Bogor BBPMSOH 1995 Vol. 4, p. 17-21 id 4 tables. 8 ref.; Summary (En) Using HVT infected cells, sera from chickens in bogor and Tangerang districts were titrated for antibodies against MD by IFAT.In native chickens which had no experience of vaccination of MD, 58% of them in Bogor district showed the presence of antibody and 6.8& of them in Tangerang district showed positive reaction. In the broiler and layer chickens which were suspected to received vaccination against MD, positive rates were considerably higher compared with native chickens. In 85.7& of broiler and 100& of layer in Bogor district, and 72.7& of layer in Tangerang district, positive reaction were observed. Antigens -- Spesific Pathogen Free State -- Broiler chikens -- Layer chickens -- ANTIBODIES -- INDONESIA -- HISTOPATHOLOGY -- MAREK'S DISEASE -- IMMUNO FLUORESCENCE -- TURKEY HERPESVIRUS -- INDONESIA 0852 96-12 210323 20210323091258 INLIS000000000000096 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)