01337 2200169 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056082000900097090001600106100001700122245006200139260003900201650001900240650000900259520089900268INLIS00000000000060420230526012000 a0010-0521000604230526 g 0 dut  aNONE a664.1 RAM j0 aRAMAER, J.W.1 aDe java suikerindustrie in woord en beeld /cJ. W. Ramaer aAmsterdam :bJ. H. de bussy,c1910 4aSUGAR INDUSTRY 4aJAVA aBuku yang berisikan tentang penggambaran industri gula tebu di pulau Jawa, lengkap dengan foto-foto dan skema alur mesin produksi di pabrik pada saat itu. Penulis mendeskripsikan dimulai dari penanaman tebu, tebu muda, tebu dewasa, hingga akhirnya tebu bisa dipanen. Selanjutnya dituliskan juga proses tebu menjadi gula pada pabrik dengan mesin-mesin uap, serta proses distribusi gula ke pasar luas hingga ke luar negeri. Book containing depictions of cane sugar industry in Java Island, completed with photographs and production machine flow scheme in the factory at the time. The author described the process starting from planting of sugar cane, a young sugar cane, matured sugar cane, until the cane can be harvested. Then the process of sugar cane into sugar in factory with steam engines, as well as the distribution of sugar to the broad market up to foreign country were also explained.