00955 2200229 4500001002100000005001500021035002000036008004100056041000700097082001000104090001600114100002200130245014400152260004000296300003000336650001200366650001400378650001200392084001600404520028400420500002100704INLIS00000000000099220220923010734 a0010-0521000992220923 g | eng  aid a992.1 a992.1 MAR h0 aMARSEDEN, F.R.S.W1 aHistory of Sumatra, containing an account of the government, laws, customs, and manners of the native inhabitants /cWilliam Marseden F.R.S aLondon :bBlack Horse Court,,c1811 aviii, 491 p., ill.; 26 cm 4aHISTORY 4aGEOGRAPHY 4aSUMATRA a992.1 MAR h aBuku ini menguraikan tentang kehidupan sehari-hari dan budaya penduduk asli Pulau Sumatera, seperti adat istiadat, hukum, kepercayaan, kekerabatan dan sejarahnya. Explaining about daily life and culture of the inhabitans of Sumatra such as customs, laws, beliefs and its history. asudah dilaminasi