00966 2200169 4500001002100000005001500021008004100036035001900077082002300096090002900119100002800148245018600176260002300362300003700385500007700422650029700499INLIS00000000001176520210426122350210426||||||||| | ||| |||| ||  0010-04210117650 a389.6:681.3(047.3) a389.6:681.3(047.3) PAN u0 aPANGGABEAN ,Aderina Uli00aupgrading sistem informasi technical barrier to trade (tbt ) untuk mendukung posesi BSN sebagai notification body dan enguiry point indonesia di forum WTO = laporan proyek perubahan aBogorbPPMKPc2016 aIII,26p.:ills.;30 cm (+lampiran) astandardisasi - website tbt - who indonesia - bsn - diklatpim III/5/2015 0astandardisasi -- proyek perubahan -- LAPORAN PROYEK PERUBAHAN -- badan standardisasi nasional (bsn) -- notification body (nb) -- enquiry point (np) -- technical barrier to trade (tbt) -- the worldtrade organization (WTO) -- sistem infomasi -- informasi dan teknologi (IT) -- website tbt - who